Causes of Children Too Late to Speak and How to Overcome it
Children who talk too late often cause concern for their parents. Every parent must wait for the first word that comes from the beloved baby. But what if you don't hear a word come out of your baby's tiny lips? Find out why your child is late talking and how to overcome them in the following review!
Don't worry too much. Maybe your child is not yet time to reach that stage. And also children who are raised in environments with more than one language or bilingual indeed tend to be slower to start talking. So, how to know the characteristics of children who are classified as normal and children who have delays in speaking?
Actually, the speech development of each child is different. However, there are basic benchmarks that you can use to measure the extent of your child's speech ability according to his age. This can be applied to detect whether your child is experiencing delays in speaking or not.
The following is a benchmark of children's speaking ability according to their age.
3 months old
At this age, babies begin to make noises that have no meaning like cooing or arguably 'baby language'. He also has begun to recognize and listen to your voice and pay attention to your face when talking to him. As a parent, you must be observant with every cry that he emits. At the age of three months, babies can cry for different needs.
6 months old
Babies begin to make different sounds and the syllables are more clearly heard, though they have no meaning, such as saying "da-da" or "ba-ba". At the end of the age of six months, the baby can speak to express his condition when happy or sad, look in the direction that makes the sound, and pay attention to the music. When the name is called, the baby can also turn towards you.
9 months old
After the age of nine months, the baby will understand some basic words like ‘" no "or" yes ". He also began to use a broader tone of voice.
12 months old
He can already say the word "mama" or "father" and imitate the words you say. At the age of one year, he was able to understand several commands such as, "Come on, come here" or "Take the bottle". Your baby is also familiar with some things such as shoes, dolls, or milk bottles.
18 months old
Your baby can repeat the words you say to him and will point to an object or body part that you mentioned. At this age, babies can also say about 10 basic words. But it's normal if there are some words that are still unclear as the word "eat" is called "mam".
24 months old
He can say at least 50 words and communicate using two vocabulary words like "want milk".
3-5 years old
The vocabulary of children at that age will develop quickly. At the age of three, most children can grasp new vocabulary quickly. They can also understand longer commands such as, "Come on, wash your feet and brush your teeth" or "Take off your shoes and change your clothes."
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